Melba College places an emphasis on providing career education and information to all students. Melba College has a well-resourced career centre that has information on tertiary institution offerings, the latest pamphlets, brochures and booklets on numerous pathways. Videos, DVD’s and books are available for students to borrow.
The Career advisor is available to give advice on issues such as:
All students in years 10-12 will have the opportunity to take part in Managed Individual counselling and Pathway sessions (MIP’s) with the career advisor. Students and parents are encouraged to visit the career centre with any questions or alternatively call to make an appointment to meet with the careers advisor. The office is open during normal school times, including recess, lunchtime and after school.
Students in year 10 undertake the core subject “My Career, My Future” that involves extensive self-exploration in the hope of assisting students to gain a better understanding of self and the relationship this has with work and leisure activities. Students will be involved in the fantastic Beacon program.
Year 10 students also take part in the work experience program, after completing the safe@work program. Work experience is traditionally undertaken by all year 10 students during the last week of term two each year. Year 11 and 12 students can participate in work experience during the term breaks and VET and VCAL students are encouraged to undertake structured workplace learning experiences at appropriate times throughout the year.